teeth whitening

whiten by up to 14 shades


3, 20 minute sessions back to back

safe and long lasting

high quality davinci whitening system


Safety: Organic planet and mineral based product that has been used for years and is FDA approved.


Results: Up to 14 shades whiter, depending on previous stains and current teeth shade. 60 minute sessions only.


Process: The Davinci process includes a whitening gel in combination with an LED blue laser

See results for yourself

These are just some of many happy customers, transforming their smile for the better. While results may vary, we know you’ll leave smiling happy.

whitening services

*3, 20 minute sessions is recommended for optimal results*

1, 20 minute session - $99

2, 20 minute sessions - $149

3, 20 minute sessions - $179

Up to 14 shades brighter, recommended to remove all layers of staining.

teeth whitening faqs

  • While individual results depend on your current teeth shade and prior stains, teeth with our whitening system can improve up to 14 shades whiter. This happens after 3, 20 minute sessions, back to back for optimal results.

  • This depends on your diet and lifestyle, but with proper diet and maintenance and periodic touch-ups, you can have a beautiful smile for a lifetime.

  • Davinci is not only organic planet and mineral based, but is also FDA approved. This teeth whitening service is made with your safety in mind.

  • 3, 20 minute sessions, expect to be there for around and hour and 15 minutes

  • Our natural laser gel rarely causes discomfort. Some may have brief sensitivity due to dehydration or consuming hot/cold items after treatment, but it usually goes away within 24-48 hours. Solutions are available for sensitive clients.

  • Teeth whitening restores dental work to its original color and matches it with your natural teeth for an even smile. We can't make them whiter than their original shade. If the work isn't in your smile line, it won't be visible.